MASSIVE BREAKING News for WATA, Flesh & Blood, Upper Deck, Metazoo and Magic the Gathering

But seriously though, huge news today in so many different categories! Article Links:

Kind: captions
Language: en

hello<00:00:02.800> hello<00:00:03.280> everyone<00:00:04.160> what<00:00:04.480> is<00:00:04.880> up<00:00:05.279> how's<00:00:05.520> it

hello hello everyone what is up how's it

hello hello everyone what is up how's it
going<00:00:06.240> it's<00:00:06.560> jess<00:00:07.120> from<00:00:07.359> geeked<00:00:07.680> out

going it's jess from geeked out

going it's jess from geeked out


um<00:00:09.920> okay<00:00:10.480> so<00:00:10.719> this<00:00:10.960> is<00:00:11.120> like<00:00:11.599> massive

um okay so this is like massive

um okay so this is like massive
okay<00:00:12.960> so<00:00:13.440> i<00:00:13.599> have<00:00:13.840> some<00:00:14.080> news<00:00:14.639> which<00:00:14.880> is<00:00:14.960> why<00:00:15.120> i

okay so i have some news which is why i

okay so i have some news which is why i
decided<00:00:15.679> to<00:00:15.759> get<00:00:16.240> you<00:00:16.400> know<00:00:16.560> to<00:00:16.720> go<00:00:16.960> live<00:00:17.199> just

decided to get you know to go live just

decided to get you know to go live just
so<00:00:17.520> i<00:00:17.600> could<00:00:17.760> tell<00:00:17.920> you<00:00:18.080> guys<00:00:18.240> and<00:00:18.320> let<00:00:18.480> you

so i could tell you guys and let you

so i could tell you guys and let you
know<00:00:19.279> um<00:00:19.600> some<00:00:19.840> of<00:00:20.000> it's<00:00:20.160> massive<00:00:20.640> some<00:00:20.800> of<00:00:20.960> it

know um some of it's massive some of it

know um some of it's massive some of it
is<00:00:21.359> not<00:00:21.600> so<00:00:21.760> i'm<00:00:21.920> just<00:00:22.080> gonna<00:00:22.320> put<00:00:22.480> that

is not so i'm just gonna put that

is not so i'm just gonna put that
preface<00:00:23.119> out<00:00:23.279> there<00:00:23.840> but<00:00:24.000> there's<00:00:24.240> definitely

preface out there but there's definitely

preface out there but there's definitely
a<00:00:24.880> ton<00:00:25.359> of<00:00:25.599> really<00:00:25.920> really<00:00:26.240> interesting<00:00:26.800> news

a ton of really really interesting news

a ton of really really interesting news
out<00:00:27.279> there<00:00:27.519> so

out there so

out there so


that's<00:00:29.679> all<00:00:29.840> i'm<00:00:29.920> going<00:00:30.080> to<00:00:30.160> cover<00:00:30.640> is<00:00:30.800> just

that's all i'm going to cover is just

that's all i'm going to cover is just
hobby<00:00:32.079> news<00:00:32.480> today<00:00:33.040> so

hobby news today so

hobby news today so
this<00:00:34.160> will<00:00:34.320> be<00:00:34.559> shorter<00:00:34.880> than<00:00:35.120> my<00:00:35.360> other<00:00:35.520> ones

this will be shorter than my other ones

this will be shorter than my other ones
but<00:00:36.000> anyways<00:00:36.800> let's<00:00:36.960> get<00:00:37.120> started<00:00:37.600> so<00:00:38.239> the

but anyways let's get started so the

but anyways let's get started so the
first<00:00:38.640> piece<00:00:38.879> of<00:00:39.040> news<00:00:39.360> that<00:00:39.440> i<00:00:39.520> thought<00:00:39.760> was

first piece of news that i thought was

first piece of news that i thought was
really<00:00:40.160> interesting<00:00:40.960> so<00:00:41.520> upper<00:00:42.000> deck<00:00:42.640> has

really interesting so upper deck has

really interesting so upper deck has
announced<00:00:43.680> a<00:00:43.920> multi-year<00:00:44.800> agreement<00:00:45.920> for

announced a multi-year agreement for

announced a multi-year agreement for
world<00:00:47.039> of<00:00:47.200> warcraft

world of warcraft

world of warcraft
diablo<00:00:49.200> starcraft<00:00:50.320> overwatch<00:00:51.360> hearthstone

diablo starcraft overwatch hearthstone

diablo starcraft overwatch hearthstone
all<00:00:53.680> of<00:00:53.840> those<00:00:54.640> game<00:00:55.039> franchises<00:00:55.600> from

all of those game franchises from

all of those game franchises from
blizzard<00:00:56.239> entertainment<00:00:57.120> they<00:00:57.440> are<00:00:57.600> going<00:00:57.920> to

blizzard entertainment they are going to

blizzard entertainment they are going to
be<00:00:58.480> now<00:00:59.039> making<00:00:59.440> trading<00:00:59.840> cards<00:01:00.160> for<00:01:00.320> them

be now making trading cards for them

be now making trading cards for them
which<00:01:00.800> is

that's<00:01:04.640> cool<00:01:04.960> that's<00:01:05.280> awesome<00:01:05.600> i<00:01:05.760> i<00:01:06.080> don't

that's cool that's awesome i i don't

that's cool that's awesome i i don't
play<00:01:06.720> those<00:01:07.040> games<00:01:07.439> but<00:01:07.760> i<00:01:07.840> think<00:01:08.000> it's<00:01:08.159> cool

play those games but i think it's cool

play those games but i think it's cool
anyways<00:01:08.960> we'll<00:01:09.119> get<00:01:09.280> into<00:01:09.600> it

anyways we'll get into it

anyways we'll get into it
so<00:01:10.880> what<00:01:11.040> they're<00:01:11.200> gonna<00:01:11.439> do<00:01:12.159> is<00:01:12.640> uh<00:01:12.960> they're

so what they're gonna do is uh they're

so what they're gonna do is uh they're
going<00:01:13.600> to<00:01:13.920> put<00:01:14.240> out<00:01:14.799> a<00:01:15.119> limited<00:01:15.520> edition

going to put out a limited edition

going to put out a limited edition
uh<00:01:16.880> blizzard<00:01:17.360> entertainment<00:01:17.920> 35<00:01:18.479> uh<00:01:18.720> 30th

uh blizzard entertainment 35 uh 30th

uh blizzard entertainment 35 uh 30th
anniversary<00:01:19.840> trading<00:01:20.159> card<00:01:20.400> sets<00:01:20.720> out<00:01:21.200> uh

anniversary trading card sets out uh

anniversary trading card sets out uh
coming<00:01:21.920> in<00:01:22.000> december<00:01:22.960> and<00:01:23.119> it<00:01:23.200> looks<00:01:23.439> like<00:01:23.520> you

coming in december and it looks like you

coming in december and it looks like you
can<00:01:23.759> get<00:01:24.000> some<00:01:24.159> free<00:01:24.479> pomo<00:01:25.280> promo<00:01:25.759> packs<00:01:26.159> from

can get some free pomo promo packs from

can get some free pomo promo packs from
upper<00:01:26.799> deck<00:01:27.119> right<00:01:27.280> now<00:01:28.000> um<00:01:28.159> but<00:01:28.320> i<00:01:28.400> think

upper deck right now um but i think

upper deck right now um but i think
those<00:01:28.880> are<00:01:28.960> digital<00:01:29.360> by<00:01:29.520> the<00:01:29.600> way<00:01:29.759> i<00:01:29.840> kind<00:01:30.000> of

those are digital by the way i kind of

those are digital by the way i kind of
like<00:01:30.479> looked<00:01:30.720> into<00:01:30.960> it<00:01:31.119> not<00:01:31.280> super<00:01:31.600> impressed

like looked into it not super impressed

like looked into it not super impressed
but<00:01:32.079> anyways<00:01:32.960> um<00:01:33.360> so<00:01:33.840> this<00:01:34.000> was<00:01:34.159> announced

but anyways um so this was announced

but anyways um so this was announced
yesterday<00:01:35.600> which<00:01:35.920> was

yesterday which was

yesterday which was
the<00:01:37.200> 10th

the 10th

the 10th
and<00:01:38.880> it<00:01:39.119> looks<00:01:39.280> like<00:01:39.520> they'll<00:01:39.759> be<00:01:40.000> allowed<00:01:40.479> to

and it looks like they'll be allowed to

and it looks like they'll be allowed to
produce<00:01:41.280> stickers<00:01:42.479> cards<00:01:43.119> sticker<00:01:43.520> books

produce stickers cards sticker books

produce stickers cards sticker books
limited<00:01:44.560> edition<00:01:45.040> prints<00:01:45.360> of<00:01:45.600> things<00:01:46.479> and<00:01:46.720> i

limited edition prints of things and i

limited edition prints of things and i
guess<00:01:47.200> a<00:01:47.280> whole<00:01:47.439> bunch<00:01:47.759> of<00:01:47.920> other<00:01:48.079> things<00:01:48.320> that

guess a whole bunch of other things that

guess a whole bunch of other things that
they<00:01:48.640> didn't<00:01:48.960> really<00:01:49.280> specify<00:01:49.840> all<00:01:50.000> too<00:01:50.159> much

they didn't really specify all too much

they didn't really specify all too much
but<00:01:50.479> long<00:01:50.640> story<00:01:50.880> short<00:01:51.119> they're<00:01:51.200> going<00:01:51.280> to<00:01:51.360> be

but long story short they're going to be

but long story short they're going to be
able<00:01:51.600> to<00:01:51.759> play<00:01:52.399> to<00:01:52.640> print<00:01:53.040> trading<00:01:53.360> cards

able to play to print trading cards

able to play to print trading cards
right<00:01:54.159> the<00:01:54.320> most<00:01:54.720> important<00:01:55.280> slash<00:01:55.600> exciting

right the most important slash exciting

right the most important slash exciting
thing<00:01:56.719> um<00:01:57.360> this<00:01:57.520> is<00:01:57.680> really<00:01:57.920> interesting<00:01:58.320> for

thing um this is really interesting for

thing um this is really interesting for
two<00:01:58.799> reasons<00:01:59.680> first<00:02:00.079> off<00:02:00.560> you<00:02:00.719> know<00:02:01.119> with

two reasons first off you know with

two reasons first off you know with
upper<00:02:01.600> deck<00:02:01.920> being<00:02:02.079> traditionally<00:02:02.799> in<00:02:03.040> sports

upper deck being traditionally in sports

upper deck being traditionally in sports
i<00:02:03.520> mean<00:02:03.840> huge<00:02:04.240> in<00:02:04.320> baseball<00:02:04.880> right<00:02:05.439> or<00:02:05.759> that's

i mean huge in baseball right or that's

i mean huge in baseball right or that's
a<00:02:06.240> lot<00:02:06.399> of<00:02:06.560> what<00:02:06.719> they<00:02:06.880> did

a lot of what they did

a lot of what they did
it's<00:02:08.800> a<00:02:08.959> huge<00:02:09.200> departure<00:02:09.759> from<00:02:09.920> that<00:02:10.239> so

it's a huge departure from that so

it's a huge departure from that so
very<00:02:11.520> interesting

very interesting

very interesting
um<00:02:13.440> and<00:02:14.160> it<00:02:14.480> looks<00:02:14.800> like<00:02:15.360> and<00:02:15.520> the<00:02:15.599> other<00:02:15.680> thing

um and it looks like and the other thing

um and it looks like and the other thing
that's<00:02:16.080> really<00:02:16.239> interesting<00:02:16.720> too<00:02:17.040> is<00:02:17.120> that

that's really interesting too is that

that's really interesting too is that
you<00:02:18.640> know<00:02:18.800> these<00:02:19.040> ips<00:02:19.440> that<00:02:19.599> we're<00:02:19.760> talking

you know these ips that we're talking

you know these ips that we're talking
about<00:02:20.640> they're<00:02:20.959> huge<00:02:21.360> for<00:02:21.520> blizzard

about they're huge for blizzard

about they're huge for blizzard
so<00:02:23.120> it<00:02:23.280> makes<00:02:23.599> sense<00:02:23.840> for<00:02:24.080> blizzard<00:02:24.480> it<00:02:24.640> really

so it makes sense for blizzard it really

so it makes sense for blizzard it really
doesn't<00:02:25.200> surprise<00:02:25.599> me<00:02:25.760> at<00:02:25.840> all<00:02:26.000> though<00:02:26.160> it's

doesn't surprise me at all though it's

doesn't surprise me at all though it's
very<00:02:26.560> awesome<00:02:26.879> to<00:02:27.040> hear<00:02:27.599> i'm<00:02:27.920> really<00:02:28.160> not

very awesome to hear i'm really not

very awesome to hear i'm really not
surprised<00:02:28.640> at<00:02:28.800> all<00:02:28.959> that<00:02:29.120> blizzard<00:02:29.680> wants<00:02:30.000> to

surprised at all that blizzard wants to

surprised at all that blizzard wants to
start<00:02:30.319> making<00:02:30.640> trading<00:02:31.040> cards<00:02:31.440> for<00:02:31.760> their

start making trading cards for their

start making trading cards for their
popular<00:02:32.400> games<00:02:32.800> because<00:02:33.440> you<00:02:33.519> know<00:02:34.160> they've

popular games because you know they've

popular games because you know they've
been<00:02:34.640> seeing<00:02:34.959> what<00:02:35.200> cards<00:02:35.599> have<00:02:35.680> been<00:02:36.000> doing

been seeing what cards have been doing

been seeing what cards have been doing
over<00:02:36.640> the<00:02:36.720> course<00:02:37.040> of<00:02:37.280> this<00:02:37.519> year<00:02:37.920> and<00:02:38.239> other

over the course of this year and other

over the course of this year and other
previous<00:02:39.200> decades<00:02:39.920> i<00:02:40.000> mean

previous decades i mean

previous decades i mean
it's<00:02:41.280> kind<00:02:41.599> of<00:02:41.760> a<00:02:41.840> no-brainer<00:02:42.959> to<00:02:43.120> me

it's kind of a no-brainer to me

it's kind of a no-brainer to me
for<00:02:44.560> them<00:02:44.879> to<00:02:45.040> make<00:02:45.440> extra

for them to make extra

for them to make extra
you<00:02:46.720> know<00:02:46.959> create<00:02:47.360> extra

you know create extra

you know create extra
avenues<00:02:49.280> for<00:02:49.519> revenue

avenues for revenue

avenues for revenue
it<00:02:50.959> just<00:02:51.120> completely<00:02:51.519> makes<00:02:51.760> sense<00:02:52.000> they're

it just completely makes sense they're

it just completely makes sense they're
big<00:02:52.400> franchises<00:02:53.680> they've<00:02:53.840> got<00:02:54.080> a<00:02:54.160> lot<00:02:54.319> of<00:02:54.560> fans

big franchises they've got a lot of fans

big franchises they've got a lot of fans
um<00:02:56.000> the<00:02:56.160> demographics<00:02:57.040> are<00:02:57.440> probably<00:02:58.000> very

um the demographics are probably very

um the demographics are probably very
wide<00:02:59.200> uh<00:02:59.440> with<00:02:59.599> their<00:02:59.840> fans<00:03:00.159> you<00:03:00.239> know<00:03:00.319> because

wide uh with their fans you know because

wide uh with their fans you know because
we're<00:03:00.640> talking<00:03:00.800> about<00:03:00.959> diablo<00:03:01.519> for<00:03:01.680> example

we're talking about diablo for example

we're talking about diablo for example
diablo<00:03:02.480> is<00:03:02.560> such<00:03:02.800> an<00:03:03.040> old<00:03:03.440> game

diablo is such an old game

diablo is such an old game
that<00:03:04.560> they've<00:03:04.720> been<00:03:04.959> able<00:03:05.200> to<00:03:05.360> bring<00:03:05.840> into<00:03:06.720> you

that they've been able to bring into you

that they've been able to bring into you
know<00:03:07.040> the<00:03:07.200> current<00:03:07.519> modern<00:03:07.920> day<00:03:08.239> so<00:03:08.640> you're

know the current modern day so you're

know the current modern day so you're
going<00:03:08.959> to<00:03:09.040> see<00:03:09.200> a<00:03:09.280> few<00:03:09.440> different<00:03:09.680> generations

going to see a few different generations

going to see a few different generations
of<00:03:10.959> people<00:03:11.440> there<00:03:11.760> that<00:03:12.000> might<00:03:12.159> be<00:03:12.319> collecting

of people there that might be collecting

of people there that might be collecting
those<00:03:12.959> cards<00:03:13.599> you<00:03:13.680> know<00:03:13.840> of<00:03:13.920> course<00:03:14.080> that

those cards you know of course that

those cards you know of course that
applies<00:03:14.560> to<00:03:14.720> world<00:03:14.959> of<00:03:15.040> warcraft<00:03:15.760> and

applies to world of warcraft and

applies to world of warcraft and
starcraft<00:03:16.560> and<00:03:16.640> things<00:03:16.879> like<00:03:17.040> that<00:03:17.840> so<00:03:18.000> it's

starcraft and things like that so it's

starcraft and things like that so it's
really<00:03:18.400> interesting<00:03:19.040> but<00:03:19.280> again<00:03:19.760> not

really interesting but again not

really interesting but again not


one<00:03:21.440> of<00:03:21.519> the<00:03:21.599> things<00:03:21.840> that<00:03:21.920> they<00:03:22.080> did<00:03:22.400> say<00:03:23.200> is

one of the things that they did say is

one of the things that they did say is
obviously<00:03:24.000> they're<00:03:24.319> calling<00:03:25.120> the<00:03:25.519> cards

obviously they're calling the cards

obviously they're calling the cards
trading<00:03:26.480> cards

trading cards

trading cards
but<00:03:27.920> i<00:03:28.159> don't<00:03:28.400> want<00:03:28.560> to<00:03:28.799> assume<00:03:29.200> that<00:03:29.440> means

but i don't want to assume that means

but i don't want to assume that means
there's<00:03:30.000> obviously<00:03:30.480> a<00:03:30.640> trading<00:03:30.959> card<00:03:31.440> game

there's obviously a trading card game

there's obviously a trading card game
right<00:03:33.040> so

right so

right so


you<00:03:35.519> know<00:03:35.599> they<00:03:35.760> haven't<00:03:36.080> said<00:03:36.319> that<00:03:36.799> and

you know they haven't said that and

you know they haven't said that and
i<00:03:38.400> don't<00:03:38.560> really<00:03:38.720> know<00:03:38.879> what<00:03:38.959> that<00:03:39.120> means<00:03:39.360> i

i don't really know what that means i

i don't really know what that means i
don't<00:03:39.599> know<00:03:39.760> if<00:03:39.840> that<00:03:40.159> will<00:03:40.400> happen<00:03:40.959> at<00:03:41.120> some

don't know if that will happen at some

don't know if that will happen at some
point<00:03:41.599> in<00:03:41.680> the<00:03:41.760> future<00:03:42.080> or<00:03:42.159> not<00:03:42.400> if<00:03:42.480> there's

point in the future or not if there's

point in the future or not if there's
you<00:03:43.120> know<00:03:43.280> going<00:03:43.519> to<00:03:43.680> be<00:03:43.760> an<00:03:43.920> actual<00:03:44.480> game

you know going to be an actual game

you know going to be an actual game
behind<00:03:45.360> it<00:03:45.440> that'd<00:03:45.599> be<00:03:45.760> really<00:03:46.000> interesting

behind it that'd be really interesting

behind it that'd be really interesting
but<00:03:47.120> i<00:03:47.200> don't<00:03:47.440> think<00:03:47.680> it<00:03:47.920> needs<00:03:48.239> to<00:03:48.560> to<00:03:48.720> be

but i don't think it needs to to be

but i don't think it needs to to be
quite<00:03:49.120> honest<00:03:49.920> just<00:03:50.159> because<00:03:50.480> there<00:03:50.560> are<00:03:50.640> a

quite honest just because there are a

quite honest just because there are a
number<00:03:50.959> of<00:03:51.120> different<00:03:51.519> examples<00:03:52.159> of

number of different examples of

number of different examples of
franchises<00:03:53.439> and<00:03:53.680> sets<00:03:54.080> where<00:03:54.239> there's<00:03:54.480> no

franchises and sets where there's no

franchises and sets where there's no
playability<00:03:55.280> behind<00:03:55.519> the<00:03:55.680> cards<00:03:56.239> but<00:03:56.400> there's

playability behind the cards but there's

playability behind the cards but there's
a<00:03:56.799> ton<00:03:57.040> of<00:03:57.120> collectibility<00:03:57.920> like<00:03:58.080> with<00:03:58.239> the

a ton of collectibility like with the

a ton of collectibility like with the
star<00:03:58.640> wars<00:03:59.040> cards<00:04:00.000> uh<00:04:00.159> the<00:04:00.400> top<00:04:00.640> star<00:04:00.959> wars

star wars cards uh the top star wars

star wars cards uh the top star wars
cards<00:04:01.599> from<00:04:01.760> the<00:04:01.920> 70s

cards from the 70s

cards from the 70s
fortnight<00:04:03.840> cards<00:04:04.159> and<00:04:04.239> i<00:04:04.319> mean<00:04:04.560> even<00:04:04.879> sports

fortnight cards and i mean even sports

fortnight cards and i mean even sports
cards<00:04:05.840> you<00:04:06.000> can't<00:04:06.319> play<00:04:06.560> a<00:04:06.720> game<00:04:07.040> with<00:04:07.280> the

cards you can't play a game with the

cards you can't play a game with the
sports<00:04:07.840> cards<00:04:08.239> so

sports cards so

sports cards so
um<00:04:09.680> got<00:04:09.920> not<00:04:10.080> surprised<00:04:10.640> but<00:04:10.959> um

um got not surprised but um

um got not surprised but um
i<00:04:12.319> can<00:04:12.480> go<00:04:12.640> either<00:04:12.879> way<00:04:13.040> on<00:04:13.200> that<00:04:13.920> um<00:04:14.400> so<00:04:14.640> yeah

i can go either way on that um so yeah

i can go either way on that um so yeah
it<00:04:14.959> looks<00:04:15.120> like<00:04:15.439> uh<00:04:15.760> things<00:04:16.000> will<00:04:16.160> be<00:04:16.479> starting

it looks like uh things will be starting

it looks like uh things will be starting
to<00:04:16.959> launch<00:04:17.359> in<00:04:17.519> december<00:04:18.239> for<00:04:18.560> like<00:04:18.799> i<00:04:18.959> said

to launch in december for like i said

to launch in december for like i said
the<00:04:19.519> 30th<00:04:19.919> anniversary

the 30th anniversary

the 30th anniversary
sets<00:04:22.479> um<00:04:22.880> so<00:04:23.120> what's<00:04:23.360> going<00:04:23.520> to<00:04:23.600> happen<00:04:24.000> with

sets um so what's going to happen with

sets um so what's going to happen with
that<00:04:24.479> from<00:04:24.639> what<00:04:24.800> we<00:04:24.960> know<00:04:25.199> so<00:04:25.440> far<00:04:25.840> is<00:04:26.000> it's

that from what we know so far is it's

that from what we know so far is it's
going<00:04:26.240> to<00:04:26.320> be<00:04:26.479> a<00:04:26.560> 50<00:04:26.960> card<00:04:27.360> set<00:04:27.919> but<00:04:28.080> there's

going to be a 50 card set but there's

going to be a 50 card set but there's
also<00:04:28.560> going<00:04:28.639> to<00:04:28.720> be<00:04:28.960> inserts

also going to be inserts

also going to be inserts
um<00:04:30.800> negative<00:04:31.199> variant<00:04:31.759> cards<00:04:32.240> rare<00:04:32.479> foil

um negative variant cards rare foil

um negative variant cards rare foil
parallels<00:04:34.000> um<00:04:34.479> you<00:04:34.639> know<00:04:34.800> super<00:04:35.120> rare

parallels um you know super rare

parallels um you know super rare
autograph<00:04:36.160> cards<00:04:36.479> so<00:04:36.639> special<00:04:36.960> treatment

autograph cards so special treatment

autograph cards so special treatment
cards<00:04:37.600> they're<00:04:37.759> going<00:04:37.919> to<00:04:38.000> have<00:04:38.240> that<00:04:38.960> um

cards they're going to have that um

cards they're going to have that um
which<00:04:39.680> is<00:04:39.919> cool

which is cool

which is cool
makes<00:04:41.120> sense<00:04:41.840> uh<00:04:42.080> so<00:04:42.240> very<00:04:42.560> interesting<00:04:42.960> to

makes sense uh so very interesting to

makes sense uh so very interesting to
see<00:04:43.440> i'll<00:04:43.520> be<00:04:43.680> on<00:04:43.759> the<00:04:43.840> lookout<00:04:44.240> for<00:04:44.400> the

see i'll be on the lookout for the

see i'll be on the lookout for the
overwatch<00:04:45.680> and<00:04:46.320> the<00:04:47.040> starcraft<00:04:47.759> cards<00:04:48.560> um

overwatch and the starcraft cards um

overwatch and the starcraft cards um
never<00:04:49.680> played<00:04:49.919> those<00:04:50.160> games<00:04:50.400> but<00:04:50.560> i<00:04:50.639> do

never played those games but i do

never played those games but i do
occasionally<00:04:51.360> watch<00:04:51.759> them<00:04:52.000> live<00:04:52.320> and<00:04:52.479> i<00:04:52.639> i

occasionally watch them live and i i

occasionally watch them live and i i
enjoy<00:04:53.440> the<00:04:53.520> characters<00:04:54.000> i<00:04:54.080> like<00:04:54.240> the<00:04:54.320> design<00:04:54.639> i

enjoy the characters i like the design i

enjoy the characters i like the design i
like<00:04:54.880> the<00:04:55.040> universe<00:04:55.440> in<00:04:55.520> general<00:04:55.919> so<00:04:56.080> anyways

like the universe in general so anyways

like the universe in general so anyways
we<00:04:57.040> shall<00:04:57.440> see

we shall see

we shall see
i'm<00:04:58.320> sure<00:04:58.639> more<00:04:58.800> information<00:04:59.199> will<00:04:59.440> start<00:04:59.600> to

i'm sure more information will start to

i'm sure more information will start to
come<00:04:59.840> out<00:05:00.000> for<00:05:00.160> that

come out for that

come out for that
um<00:05:01.919> but<00:05:02.160> anyways<00:05:03.039> on<00:05:03.280> to<00:05:03.520> our<00:05:03.759> next<00:05:04.160> piece<00:05:04.400> of

um but anyways on to our next piece of

um but anyways on to our next piece of
news<00:05:04.880> that<00:05:05.120> is

news that is

news that is
massive<00:05:06.720> right<00:05:07.280> okay<00:05:07.520> this<00:05:07.759> might<00:05:07.919> be<00:05:08.080> the

massive right okay this might be the

massive right okay this might be the
most<00:05:08.560> massive<00:05:09.120> thing<00:05:10.000> news<00:05:10.320> i<00:05:10.400> don't<00:05:10.560> know

most massive thing news i don't know

most massive thing news i don't know
i<00:05:11.759> i<00:05:12.320> think<00:05:12.479> it's<00:05:12.639> massive<00:05:13.039> but<00:05:13.199> anyways

i i think it's massive but anyways

i i think it's massive but anyways


i<00:05:15.360> just<00:05:15.600> got<00:05:15.759> an<00:05:15.919> email<00:05:16.240> today<00:05:17.039> from<00:05:17.680> our

i just got an email today from our

i just got an email today from our
friends<00:05:18.400> at<00:05:18.639> wada<00:05:19.440> and<00:05:20.320> this<00:05:20.560> is<00:05:20.720> very<00:05:20.960> good

friends at wada and this is very good

friends at wada and this is very good
news<00:05:21.600> in<00:05:21.759> my<00:05:22.000> opinion

news in my opinion

news in my opinion
uh<00:05:23.280> it<00:05:23.360> looks<00:05:23.600> like<00:05:23.919> wada<00:05:24.720> who<00:05:25.039> it<00:05:25.280> you<00:05:25.360> know

uh it looks like wada who it you know

uh it looks like wada who it you know
now<00:05:26.160> for<00:05:26.320> a<00:05:26.479> while<00:05:27.120> a<00:05:27.199> little<00:05:27.360> bit<00:05:27.600> has<00:05:27.759> been

now for a while a little bit has been

now for a while a little bit has been
owned<00:05:28.320> by<00:05:28.880> you<00:05:29.039> know<00:05:29.199> collectors<00:05:29.600> universe

owned by you know collectors universe

owned by you know collectors universe
who<00:05:30.720> is<00:05:31.039> the<00:05:31.360> company<00:05:31.759> that<00:05:32.000> owns<00:05:32.479> uh<00:05:32.800> psa<00:05:33.440> and

who is the company that owns uh psa and

who is the company that owns uh psa and
pcgs<00:05:35.120> they<00:05:35.280> will<00:05:35.520> now<00:05:35.840> be<00:05:36.160> putting<00:05:36.800> out<00:05:37.280> their

pcgs they will now be putting out their

pcgs they will now be putting out their
first<00:05:37.919> ever<00:05:38.160> population<00:05:38.800> report

first ever population report

first ever population report
later<00:05:40.160> this<00:05:40.400> month

later this month

later this month
this<00:05:42.080> is<00:05:42.160> huge<00:05:42.560> right<00:05:43.120> it's<00:05:43.280> gonna<00:05:43.520> be<00:05:43.840> big<00:05:44.080> for

this is huge right it's gonna be big for

this is huge right it's gonna be big for
graded<00:05:44.720> video<00:05:45.120> games<00:05:46.080> um<00:05:46.720> i've<00:05:47.039> been<00:05:47.280> really

graded video games um i've been really

graded video games um i've been really
apprehensive<00:05:48.560> with<00:05:48.880> created<00:05:49.360> video<00:05:49.759> games

apprehensive with created video games

apprehensive with created video games
only<00:05:50.320> because<00:05:51.199> there<00:05:51.360> just<00:05:51.840> hasn't<00:05:52.160> really

only because there just hasn't really

only because there just hasn't really
been<00:05:52.639> a<00:05:52.720> lot<00:05:52.880> of<00:05:53.039> transparency<00:05:54.400> around<00:05:54.800> those

been a lot of transparency around those

been a lot of transparency around those
markets<00:05:55.680> around<00:05:56.000> what's<00:05:56.240> actually<00:05:56.560> going<00:05:56.880> on

markets around what's actually going on

markets around what's actually going on
i<00:05:57.199> mean<00:05:57.600> if<00:05:57.840> you<00:05:58.319> don't<00:05:58.479> know<00:05:58.639> what<00:05:58.720> i'm

i mean if you don't know what i'm

i mean if you don't know what i'm
talking<00:05:59.199> about<00:05:59.680> i<00:05:59.759> would<00:06:00.000> probably<00:06:00.400> go<00:06:00.639> watch

talking about i would probably go watch

talking about i would probably go watch
carl<00:06:01.280> jobs

carl jobs

carl jobs
jobs<00:06:03.039> jobs<00:06:03.680> video<00:06:04.080> anyway<00:06:04.639> on<00:06:04.880> it<00:06:05.120> i<00:06:05.199> can<00:06:05.360> put<00:06:05.600> a

jobs jobs video anyway on it i can put a

jobs jobs video anyway on it i can put a
link<00:06:06.240> to<00:06:06.400> it<00:06:06.560> somewhere

link to it somewhere

link to it somewhere
for<00:06:08.080> you<00:06:08.240> guys<00:06:08.479> to<00:06:08.639> see

for you guys to see

for you guys to see
um<00:06:10.000> just<00:06:10.240> to<00:06:10.639> kind<00:06:10.960> of<00:06:11.199> get<00:06:11.360> your<00:06:11.520> own<00:06:11.680> thoughts

um just to kind of get your own thoughts

um just to kind of get your own thoughts
and<00:06:12.080> opinions<00:06:12.639> on<00:06:12.880> that

and opinions on that

and opinions on that
um<00:06:14.240> but<00:06:14.800> yeah<00:06:15.280> i<00:06:15.360> mean<00:06:15.520> this<00:06:15.759> is<00:06:15.919> crazy<00:06:16.400> i<00:06:16.560> know

um but yeah i mean this is crazy i know

um but yeah i mean this is crazy i know
you<00:06:17.680> know<00:06:17.919> other<00:06:18.160> people<00:06:18.400> in<00:06:18.479> the<00:06:18.560> community

you know other people in the community

you know other people in the community
like<00:06:19.199> reserved<00:06:19.680> investments<00:06:20.240> has<00:06:20.400> mentioned

like reserved investments has mentioned

like reserved investments has mentioned
and<00:06:21.440> talked<00:06:21.759> about<00:06:22.400> you<00:06:22.479> know<00:06:22.639> the<00:06:22.720> market

and talked about you know the market

and talked about you know the market
manipulation<00:06:23.759> that<00:06:23.919> kind<00:06:24.080> of<00:06:24.240> happens<00:06:24.639> with

manipulation that kind of happens with

manipulation that kind of happens with
video<00:06:25.360> games<00:06:26.000> which<00:06:26.240> you<00:06:26.400> know<00:06:26.479> of<00:06:26.560> course

video games which you know of course

video games which you know of course
these<00:06:27.120> are<00:06:27.280> good<00:06:27.360> conversations<00:06:28.080> to<00:06:28.240> have

these are good conversations to have

these are good conversations to have
because<00:06:28.720> it<00:06:28.800> helps<00:06:29.120> people<00:06:29.360> be<00:06:29.520> a<00:06:29.600> little<00:06:29.759> bit

because it helps people be a little bit

because it helps people be a little bit
more<00:06:30.160> aware<00:06:30.800> of<00:06:30.960> what's<00:06:31.199> going<00:06:31.520> on

more aware of what's going on

more aware of what's going on


so<00:06:33.680> you<00:06:33.759> know<00:06:33.919> in<00:06:34.080> general<00:06:34.319> i've<00:06:34.479> kind<00:06:34.560> of

so you know in general i've kind of

so you know in general i've kind of
stayed<00:06:34.880> away<00:06:35.039> from<00:06:35.280> video<00:06:35.680> games<00:06:35.919> or<00:06:36.080> graded

stayed away from video games or graded

stayed away from video games or graded
video<00:06:36.880> games<00:06:37.280> just<00:06:37.440> because<00:06:37.840> of<00:06:38.000> that

video games just because of that

video games just because of that
um<00:06:39.600> you<00:06:39.759> know

um you know

um you know
i<00:06:42.080> don't<00:06:42.240> know<00:06:42.479> the<00:06:42.720> entry<00:06:43.039> point<00:06:43.280> to<00:06:43.440> buy<00:06:43.840> is

i don't know the entry point to buy is

i don't know the entry point to buy is
just<00:06:44.160> too<00:06:44.319> high<00:06:44.560> for<00:06:44.720> me<00:06:44.960> right<00:06:45.199> now<00:06:45.520> and

just too high for me right now and

just too high for me right now and
i<00:06:47.039> mean<00:06:47.440> you<00:06:47.600> know<00:06:47.919> without<00:06:48.240> the<00:06:48.319> transparency

i mean you know without the transparency

i mean you know without the transparency
it's<00:06:49.199> been<00:06:49.360> really<00:06:49.599> hard<00:06:49.840> to<00:06:49.919> kind<00:06:50.000> of<00:06:50.080> pull

it's been really hard to kind of pull

it's been really hard to kind of pull
the<00:06:50.400> trigger<00:06:50.720> on<00:06:50.880> some<00:06:51.039> of<00:06:51.120> those<00:06:51.360> things<00:06:52.080> um

the trigger on some of those things um

the trigger on some of those things um
to<00:06:52.479> see<00:06:52.720> you<00:06:52.800> know<00:06:53.120> what<00:06:53.840> what<00:06:54.000> the<00:06:54.160> true

to see you know what what the true

to see you know what what the true
populations<00:06:55.039> for<00:06:55.199> these<00:06:55.440> are<00:06:55.599> how<00:06:55.919> rare<00:06:56.560> are

populations for these are how rare are

populations for these are how rare are
these<00:06:57.360> games<00:06:57.840> actually<00:06:58.319> are<00:06:58.479> that's<00:06:58.720> such<00:06:58.960> a

these games actually are that's such a

these games actually are that's such a
huge<00:06:59.440> question<00:06:59.919> and<00:07:00.560> what<00:07:00.800> we've<00:07:01.039> been

huge question and what we've been

huge question and what we've been
missing<00:07:01.840> is<00:07:02.160> information<00:07:03.360> and<00:07:03.520> education<00:07:04.560> so

missing is information and education so

missing is information and education so
you<00:07:05.919> know

you know

you know
i'm<00:07:07.360> really<00:07:07.599> excited<00:07:08.080> of<00:07:08.240> course<00:07:08.720> to<00:07:08.960> see

i'm really excited of course to see

i'm really excited of course to see
population<00:07:10.000> reports<00:07:10.479> now<00:07:10.880> there's<00:07:11.120> a<00:07:11.199> few

population reports now there's a few

population reports now there's a few
questions<00:07:11.919> in<00:07:12.000> my<00:07:12.240> head<00:07:12.479> that<00:07:12.639> i<00:07:12.880> ask<00:07:13.120> myself<00:07:13.840> i

questions in my head that i ask myself i

questions in my head that i ask myself i
guess<00:07:14.160> this<00:07:14.319> is<00:07:14.479> my<00:07:14.720> cynical<00:07:15.199> side<00:07:15.520> coming<00:07:15.840> out

guess this is my cynical side coming out

guess this is my cynical side coming out
you<00:07:16.560> know<00:07:17.199> what<00:07:17.919> uh

you know what uh

you know what uh
is<00:07:19.120> it<00:07:19.199> going<00:07:19.280> to<00:07:19.360> be<00:07:19.520> across<00:07:20.240> all<00:07:20.560> of<00:07:20.720> the

is it going to be across all of the

is it going to be across all of the
video<00:07:21.120> games<00:07:21.599> the<00:07:21.759> video<00:07:22.000> games<00:07:22.319> that<00:07:22.400> they've

video games the video games that they've

video games the video games that they've


um<00:07:24.000> how<00:07:24.240> up<00:07:24.319> to<00:07:24.479> date<00:07:24.720> is<00:07:24.880> it<00:07:24.960> going<00:07:25.120> to<00:07:25.199> be<00:07:25.440> i'm

um how up to date is it going to be i'm

um how up to date is it going to be i'm
hoping<00:07:26.319> assuming<00:07:26.800> it's<00:07:26.960> going<00:07:27.120> to<00:07:27.199> be<00:07:27.360> up<00:07:27.520> to

hoping assuming it's going to be up to

hoping assuming it's going to be up to
date<00:07:27.840> i'm<00:07:27.919> hoping<00:07:28.400> assuming<00:07:28.880> it's<00:07:28.960> going<00:07:29.039> to

date i'm hoping assuming it's going to

date i'm hoping assuming it's going to
be<00:07:29.520> all<00:07:29.759> the<00:07:29.919> video<00:07:30.240> games<00:07:30.560> that<00:07:30.639> they've<00:07:30.960> ever

be all the video games that they've ever

be all the video games that they've ever




you<00:07:33.599> know<00:07:33.840> or

you know or

you know or
are<00:07:34.800> we<00:07:34.880> going<00:07:35.039> to<00:07:35.120> see<00:07:35.360> like<00:07:35.599> a<00:07:35.759> fraction<00:07:36.319> of

are we going to see like a fraction of

are we going to see like a fraction of
their<00:07:36.800> population<00:07:37.440> reports<00:07:38.240> you<00:07:38.400> know<00:07:38.639> not

their population reports you know not

their population reports you know not
see<00:07:39.199> certain<00:07:39.599> games

see certain games

see certain games
and<00:07:42.080> their<00:07:42.319> actual<00:07:42.560> populations<00:07:43.280> do<00:07:43.440> we<00:07:43.599> have

and their actual populations do we have

and their actual populations do we have
to<00:07:44.000> wait<00:07:44.639> for<00:07:44.879> some<00:07:45.120> things<00:07:45.360> to<00:07:45.520> come<00:07:45.759> out

to wait for some things to come out

to wait for some things to come out
versus<00:07:46.560> others<00:07:47.039> you<00:07:47.199> know<00:07:47.360> like<00:07:47.520> i<00:07:47.599> just<00:07:47.759> have

versus others you know like i just have

versus others you know like i just have
all<00:07:48.160> these<00:07:48.400> questions

all these questions

all these questions
um<00:07:49.919> but<00:07:50.160> you<00:07:50.240> know<00:07:50.400> obviously<00:07:51.120> it's<00:07:51.280> an

um but you know obviously it's an

um but you know obviously it's an
excellent<00:07:51.919> move<00:07:52.319> by<00:07:52.560> wata<00:07:53.120> like

excellent move by wata like

excellent move by wata like


if<00:07:56.160> it's<00:07:56.400> because

if it's because

if it's because
they've<00:07:57.840> been<00:07:58.080> bought<00:07:58.400> by<00:07:58.639> collectors

they've been bought by collectors

they've been bought by collectors
universe<00:07:59.520> and<00:07:59.599> collectors<00:08:00.080> universe<00:08:00.479> has

universe and collectors universe has

universe and collectors universe has
always<00:08:01.120> done<00:08:01.440> populations<00:08:02.080> reports<00:08:02.639> like<00:08:02.879> i'm

always done populations reports like i'm

always done populations reports like i'm
really<00:08:03.199> excited<00:08:03.520> for<00:08:03.759> it<00:08:04.400> i<00:08:04.479> mean<00:08:04.879> you<00:08:04.960> know

really excited for it i mean you know

really excited for it i mean you know
there's<00:08:06.400> obviously<00:08:06.800> been<00:08:07.039> hesitancy<00:08:07.840> in<00:08:08.000> the

there's obviously been hesitancy in the

there's obviously been hesitancy in the
past<00:08:08.960> to<00:08:09.120> be<00:08:09.360> fully<00:08:09.680> transparent<00:08:10.400> so

past to be fully transparent so

past to be fully transparent so
you<00:08:11.360> know<00:08:11.599> of<00:08:11.680> course

you know of course

you know of course
the<00:08:12.639> cynical<00:08:13.199> side<00:08:13.520> of<00:08:13.680> me

the cynical side of me

the cynical side of me
is<00:08:14.879> just<00:08:15.199> skeptical<00:08:15.919> of<00:08:16.319> what<00:08:16.479> they<00:08:16.720> publish

is just skeptical of what they publish

is just skeptical of what they publish
um<00:08:18.319> but<00:08:18.639> i<00:08:18.800> still<00:08:18.960> want<00:08:19.120> to<00:08:19.280> see<00:08:19.520> it<00:08:19.759> and<00:08:19.840> i

um but i still want to see it and i

um but i still want to see it and i
still<00:08:20.319> want<00:08:20.639> to<00:08:21.120> you<00:08:21.280> know<00:08:21.440> do<00:08:21.680> research<00:08:22.080> on<00:08:22.319> it

still want to you know do research on it

still want to you know do research on it


to<00:08:24.080> formulate<00:08:24.479> my<00:08:24.639> own<00:08:24.800> opinions

to formulate my own opinions

to formulate my own opinions
and<00:08:26.800> of<00:08:26.960> course<00:08:27.280> they<00:08:27.440> can<00:08:27.599> have<00:08:27.759> a<00:08:27.840> massive

and of course they can have a massive

and of course they can have a massive
impact<00:08:28.720> on<00:08:28.879> the<00:08:28.960> secondary<00:08:29.440> market<00:08:29.759> right<00:08:30.000> so

impact on the secondary market right so

impact on the secondary market right so
if<00:08:30.240> their<00:08:30.400> populations<00:08:31.039> turn<00:08:31.280> out<00:08:31.360> to<00:08:31.440> be<00:08:31.599> huge

if their populations turn out to be huge

if their populations turn out to be huge
for<00:08:32.080> certain<00:08:32.399> things

for certain things

for certain things
it<00:08:33.440> could<00:08:33.599> have<00:08:33.760> a<00:08:33.919> massive<00:08:34.479> impact

it could have a massive impact

it could have a massive impact


prices<00:08:37.760> for<00:08:38.000> things<00:08:38.560> so<00:08:39.120> you<00:08:39.279> know<00:08:39.440> it<00:08:39.519> could

prices for things so you know it could

prices for things so you know it could
turn<00:08:39.919> out<00:08:40.080> really<00:08:40.320> well<00:08:40.560> for<00:08:40.800> some<00:08:41.120> and

turn out really well for some and

turn out really well for some and
very<00:08:42.080> poorly<00:08:42.560> for<00:08:42.800> others<00:08:43.200> though<00:08:43.440> i<00:08:43.599> hope<00:08:43.839> it

very poorly for others though i hope it

very poorly for others though i hope it
does<00:08:44.320> work<00:08:44.640> out<00:08:45.200> um<00:08:45.600> but<00:08:46.000> you<00:08:46.160> know

does work out um but you know

does work out um but you know
this<00:08:47.600> doesn't<00:08:48.080> in<00:08:48.240> my<00:08:48.480> head<00:08:48.720> this<00:08:48.959> doesn't

this doesn't in my head this doesn't

this doesn't in my head this doesn't
make<00:08:49.440> me<00:08:49.680> trust<00:08:50.080> wata

make me trust wata

make me trust wata
uh<00:08:51.920> even<00:08:52.160> though<00:08:52.320> they've<00:08:52.560> done<00:08:53.040> this<00:08:53.279> is<00:08:53.440> a

uh even though they've done this is a

uh even though they've done this is a
good<00:08:53.680> thing<00:08:54.000> that<00:08:54.160> they're<00:08:54.399> doing<00:08:54.800> obviously

good thing that they're doing obviously

good thing that they're doing obviously
i<00:08:55.600> think<00:08:55.760> they<00:08:55.920> have<00:08:56.000> a<00:08:56.080> long<00:08:56.320> way<00:08:56.480> to<00:08:56.640> go

i think they have a long way to go

i think they have a long way to go
um<00:08:57.760> probably<00:08:58.160> for<00:08:58.320> a<00:08:58.399> lot<00:08:58.560> of<00:08:58.720> people<00:08:59.040> to

um probably for a lot of people to

um probably for a lot of people to
really<00:08:59.440> trust<00:08:59.920> what's<00:09:00.160> happening<00:09:00.640> right<00:09:00.800> now

really trust what's happening right now

really trust what's happening right now
over<00:09:01.279> there<00:09:01.839> um<00:09:02.000> you<00:09:02.160> know<00:09:02.240> but<00:09:02.480> either<00:09:02.640> way

over there um you know but either way

over there um you know but either way
this<00:09:03.040> is<00:09:03.120> not<00:09:03.279> me<00:09:03.440> complaining<00:09:04.000> at<00:09:04.160> all<00:09:04.320> about

this is not me complaining at all about

this is not me complaining at all about
getting<00:09:04.720> a<00:09:04.800> pop<00:09:05.040> report<00:09:05.360> so<00:09:05.519> we'll<00:09:05.680> see<00:09:05.839> what

getting a pop report so we'll see what

getting a pop report so we'll see what
happens<00:09:06.800> um<00:09:07.519> be<00:09:07.680> on<00:09:07.760> the<00:09:07.920> lookout<00:09:08.240> for<00:09:08.399> that

happens um be on the lookout for that

happens um be on the lookout for that
i'll<00:09:08.959> probably<00:09:09.440> do<00:09:09.760> some<00:09:10.000> video<00:09:10.320> and<00:09:10.399> content

i'll probably do some video and content

i'll probably do some video and content
where<00:09:11.760> i<00:09:11.920> talk<00:09:12.160> about<00:09:12.399> it<00:09:13.040> um<00:09:13.519> so<00:09:14.000> i'm<00:09:14.560> looking

where i talk about it um so i'm looking

where i talk about it um so i'm looking
forward<00:09:15.120> to<00:09:15.200> that<00:09:15.760> absolutely<00:09:16.160> looking

forward to that absolutely looking

forward to that absolutely looking
forward<00:09:16.640> to<00:09:16.800> that

forward to that

forward to that


some<00:09:19.360> other<00:09:19.760> very<00:09:20.000> interesting<00:09:20.640> news<00:09:21.360> i<00:09:21.600> got

some other very interesting news i got

some other very interesting news i got
you<00:09:22.399> know<00:09:22.640> as<00:09:22.800> you<00:09:22.959> know

you know as you know

you know as you know
i<00:09:24.240> am<00:09:24.720> a<00:09:25.040> patron<00:09:25.760> of<00:09:26.240> you<00:09:26.399> know<00:09:26.880> mr<00:09:27.279> rudy

i am a patron of you know mr rudy

i am a patron of you know mr rudy
um<00:09:28.480> mr<00:09:28.800> rudy<00:09:29.200> awful<00:09:29.519> investments<00:09:30.320> timmy

um mr rudy awful investments timmy

um mr rudy awful investments timmy
videotapes<00:09:32.080> downstairs<00:09:32.640> in<00:09:32.720> his<00:09:32.880> mother's

videotapes downstairs in his mother's

videotapes downstairs in his mother's
basement<00:09:33.600> anyways<00:09:34.240> so<00:09:34.399> he<00:09:34.640> put<00:09:34.880> out<00:09:35.040> some<00:09:35.279> news

basement anyways so he put out some news

basement anyways so he put out some news
that<00:09:35.600> i<00:09:35.680> thought<00:09:35.920> was<00:09:36.160> really<00:09:36.399> interesting

that i thought was really interesting

that i thought was really interesting
and<00:09:37.120> i<00:09:37.279> did<00:09:37.519> some<00:09:37.760> digging<00:09:38.080> on<00:09:38.240> a<00:09:38.320> few<00:09:38.480> of<00:09:38.640> them

and i did some digging on a few of them

and i did some digging on a few of them
um<00:09:39.760> he<00:09:39.920> mentioned<00:09:40.240> three<00:09:40.480> things<00:09:41.120> uh<00:09:41.279> first

um he mentioned three things uh first

um he mentioned three things uh first
off<00:09:41.760> it<00:09:41.839> looks<00:09:42.000> like<00:09:42.160> arcane<00:09:42.720> rising<00:09:43.279> the

off it looks like arcane rising the

off it looks like arcane rising the
unlimited<00:09:44.240> is<00:09:44.399> going<00:09:44.640> to<00:09:44.800> be<00:09:44.959> out<00:09:45.120> of<00:09:45.279> print

unlimited is going to be out of print

unlimited is going to be out of print
something<00:09:46.240> that<00:09:46.880> um

something that um

something that um
lss<00:09:48.959> has<00:09:49.200> announced<00:09:49.600> today<00:09:50.000> actually<00:09:50.320> i'll

lss has announced today actually i'll

lss has announced today actually i'll
put<00:09:50.720> a<00:09:50.800> link<00:09:51.120> in<00:09:51.279> the<00:09:51.920> of<00:09:52.160> their<00:09:52.480> of<00:09:52.640> their

put a link in the of their of their

put a link in the of their of their
article<00:09:53.760> um<00:09:54.080> in<00:09:54.160> the<00:09:54.320> show<00:09:54.560> notes<00:09:55.279> um

article um in the show notes um

article um in the show notes um
also<00:09:56.480> metazoo<00:09:57.279> will<00:09:57.519> be<00:09:58.160> selling<00:09:58.720> in

also metazoo will be selling in

also metazoo will be selling in
walmart's<00:09:59.519> next<00:09:59.760> year<00:10:00.160> uh<00:10:00.320> this<00:10:00.480> is<00:10:00.560> something

walmart's next year uh this is something

walmart's next year uh this is something
that<00:10:00.959> i'd<00:10:01.279> already<00:10:01.519> seen<00:10:01.760> earlier<00:10:02.079> today<00:10:02.320> on

that i'd already seen earlier today on

that i'd already seen earlier today on
instagram<00:10:02.880> so<00:10:03.200> that's<00:10:03.440> really<00:10:03.600> interesting

instagram so that's really interesting

instagram so that's really interesting
um<00:10:04.800> and<00:10:04.959> the<00:10:05.040> last<00:10:05.440> thing<00:10:05.920> is<00:10:06.560> um<00:10:07.040> magic<00:10:07.360> the

um and the last thing is um magic the

um and the last thing is um magic the
gathering<00:10:08.000> is<00:10:08.079> going<00:10:08.320> to<00:10:08.480> get<00:10:08.800> serialized

gathering is going to get serialized

gathering is going to get serialized
cards<00:10:09.839> which<00:10:10.079> is<00:10:10.320> really

cards which is really

cards which is really
really<00:10:12.000> interesting<00:10:12.560> so

really interesting so

really interesting so
to<00:10:13.839> kind<00:10:14.000> of<00:10:14.079> back<00:10:14.320> it<00:10:14.399> up<00:10:14.560> the<00:10:14.720> news<00:10:15.040> that<00:10:15.519> um

to kind of back it up the news that um

to kind of back it up the news that um
you<00:10:16.079> know

you know

you know
rudy<00:10:17.760> had<00:10:17.920> been<00:10:18.079> talking<00:10:18.480> about<00:10:18.720> is<00:10:19.040> you<00:10:19.120> know

rudy had been talking about is you know

rudy had been talking about is you know
arcane<00:10:19.760> rising<00:10:20.160> from<00:10:20.320> flesh<00:10:20.640> and<00:10:20.720> blood

arcane rising from flesh and blood

arcane rising from flesh and blood
will<00:10:22.560> be<00:10:22.800> going<00:10:23.120> out<00:10:23.360> of<00:10:23.600> print

will be going out of print

will be going out of print
obviously<00:10:25.440> they<00:10:25.600> reported<00:10:26.079> this<00:10:26.320> today

obviously they reported this today

obviously they reported this today
um<00:10:27.600> they'll<00:10:27.839> be<00:10:27.920> doing<00:10:28.240> a<00:10:28.399> final<00:10:29.040> small<00:10:29.440> wave

um they'll be doing a final small wave

um they'll be doing a final small wave
of<00:10:29.839> prints<00:10:30.240> that<00:10:30.320> will<00:10:30.560> end<00:10:30.800> up

of prints that will end up

of prints that will end up
at<00:10:31.839> distributors<00:10:32.560> in<00:10:32.640> the<00:10:32.800> us<00:10:33.360> and<00:10:33.680> in<00:10:33.920> europe

at distributors in the us and in europe

at distributors in the us and in europe
in<00:10:35.680> december<00:10:36.480> so<00:10:37.120> you<00:10:37.200> know

in december so you know

in december so you know
if<00:10:38.480> you<00:10:38.640> want<00:10:38.800> to<00:10:38.880> get<00:10:39.120> some<00:10:39.279> more<00:10:39.519> of<00:10:39.600> these

if you want to get some more of these

if you want to get some more of these
boxes<00:10:40.320> from<00:10:40.480> the<00:10:40.560> last<00:10:40.880> wave<00:10:41.200> it's<00:10:41.360> not<00:10:41.519> going

boxes from the last wave it's not going

boxes from the last wave it's not going
to<00:10:41.680> be<00:10:42.079> crazy<00:10:42.480> big<00:10:42.800> but

to be crazy big but

to be crazy big but
you<00:10:43.839> know<00:10:44.079> place<00:10:44.399> some<00:10:44.560> pre-orders<00:10:45.120> with<00:10:45.279> your

you know place some pre-orders with your

you know place some pre-orders with your
lgs's<00:10:46.640> and<00:10:46.959> you<00:10:47.279> can<00:10:47.839> hopefully<00:10:48.240> get<00:10:48.480> a<00:10:48.560> hand

lgs's and you can hopefully get a hand

lgs's and you can hopefully get a hand
uh<00:10:49.360> you<00:10:49.440> know<00:10:49.600> get<00:10:49.760> a<00:10:49.839> hold<00:10:50.079> of<00:10:50.240> some<00:10:50.959> um<00:10:51.200> i'm<00:10:51.360> a

uh you know get a hold of some um i'm a

uh you know get a hold of some um i'm a
little<00:10:51.680> sad<00:10:52.000> that<00:10:52.240> it<00:10:52.480> won't<00:10:52.720> be<00:10:53.040> you<00:10:53.200> know

little sad that it won't be you know

little sad that it won't be you know
quote<00:10:53.600> unquote<00:10:54.079> unlimited

quote unquote unlimited

quote unquote unlimited


you<00:10:56.720> know<00:10:57.200> they<00:10:57.440> did<00:10:57.760> mention<00:10:58.240> that<00:10:58.399> the<00:10:58.640> cards

you know they did mention that the cards

you know they did mention that the cards
from<00:10:59.920> arcane<00:11:00.399> rising<00:11:01.200> would<00:11:01.360> be<00:11:01.839> or<00:11:02.160> could<00:11:02.399> be

from arcane rising would be or could be

from arcane rising would be or could be
reprinted<00:11:03.440> in<00:11:03.680> future<00:11:04.079> sets<00:11:04.880> i<00:11:05.040> really<00:11:05.279> did

reprinted in future sets i really did

reprinted in future sets i really did
like<00:11:05.760> arcane<00:11:06.160> rising<00:11:06.560> the<00:11:06.640> design<00:11:07.040> the

like arcane rising the design the

like arcane rising the design the
artwork<00:11:07.839> it<00:11:08.000> really<00:11:08.240> had<00:11:08.560> this

artwork it really had this

artwork it really had this
steampunk<00:11:11.120> very<00:11:11.440> dishonored

steampunk very dishonored

steampunk very dishonored
if<00:11:13.040> you've<00:11:13.279> ever<00:11:13.519> played<00:11:13.760> that<00:11:14.000> game<00:11:14.640> it<00:11:14.800> had

if you've ever played that game it had

if you've ever played that game it had
that<00:11:15.120> kind<00:11:15.279> of<00:11:15.360> feel<00:11:15.600> to<00:11:15.760> it<00:11:15.920> and<00:11:16.079> i<00:11:16.240> love<00:11:16.480> it<00:11:16.640> i

that kind of feel to it and i love it i

that kind of feel to it and i love it i
love<00:11:17.040> that<00:11:17.279> [ __ ]<00:11:17.760> it's<00:11:17.920> so<00:11:18.240> cool<00:11:18.880> i'm<00:11:19.120> still

love that [ __ ] it's so cool i'm still

love that [ __ ] it's so cool i'm still
building<00:11:19.760> a<00:11:19.920> dash<00:11:20.240> deck<00:11:20.880> so<00:11:21.200> i<00:11:21.279> need<00:11:21.440> to<00:11:21.519> hurry

building a dash deck so i need to hurry

building a dash deck so i need to hurry
up<00:11:22.000> and<00:11:22.160> either<00:11:22.800> i<00:11:22.880> don't<00:11:23.040> know<00:11:23.120> scoop<00:11:23.519> up<00:11:23.600> some

up and either i don't know scoop up some

up and either i don't know scoop up some
boxes<00:11:24.480> or<00:11:24.640> just<00:11:24.880> start<00:11:25.680> um

boxes or just start um

boxes or just start um
grabbing<00:11:27.600> singles<00:11:28.079> from<00:11:28.399> ebay<00:11:28.720> i<00:11:28.800> really

grabbing singles from ebay i really

grabbing singles from ebay i really
haven't<00:11:29.360> done<00:11:29.519> that<00:11:29.760> all<00:11:30.000> the<00:11:30.079> cards<00:11:30.320> that

haven't done that all the cards that

haven't done that all the cards that
i've<00:11:30.560> been<00:11:30.720> pulling<00:11:31.120> are<00:11:31.200> just<00:11:31.440> cards<00:11:31.760> from

i've been pulling are just cards from

i've been pulling are just cards from


um<00:11:33.440> but<00:11:33.600> yeah<00:11:33.920> you<00:11:34.000> know<00:11:34.160> this<00:11:34.720> announcement

um but yeah you know this announcement

um but yeah you know this announcement
of<00:11:35.440> course<00:11:35.760> is<00:11:35.920> a<00:11:35.920> little<00:11:36.079> bit<00:11:36.320> different<00:11:36.959> from

of course is a little bit different from

of course is a little bit different from
you<00:11:38.240> know<00:11:38.560> previous<00:11:39.040> announcements<00:11:40.160> like

you know previous announcements like

you know previous announcements like
with<00:11:40.480> crucible<00:11:40.959> for<00:11:41.200> example<00:11:41.600> when<00:11:41.760> that<00:11:41.920> was

with crucible for example when that was

with crucible for example when that was
going<00:11:42.320> out<00:11:42.480> of<00:11:42.560> print<00:11:42.800> again<00:11:43.200> you<00:11:43.279> know<00:11:43.519> that

going out of print again you know that

going out of print again you know that
set<00:11:44.399> was<00:11:44.560> an<00:11:44.720> expansion<00:11:45.360> set<00:11:45.600> and<00:11:45.680> they<00:11:45.839> never

set was an expansion set and they never

set was an expansion set and they never
really<00:11:46.320> intended<00:11:46.800> it<00:11:46.959> to<00:11:47.200> be

really intended it to be

really intended it to be




so<00:11:50.639> you<00:11:50.720> know

so you know

so you know
this<00:11:51.680> direction<00:11:52.399> seems<00:11:52.720> to<00:11:52.880> be<00:11:53.040> a<00:11:53.120> little<00:11:53.360> bit

this direction seems to be a little bit

this direction seems to be a little bit
different<00:11:54.079> than<00:11:54.240> maybe<00:11:54.480> what<00:11:54.720> a<00:11:54.800> lot<00:11:54.959> of

different than maybe what a lot of

different than maybe what a lot of
people<00:11:55.360> have<00:11:55.519> thought<00:11:56.240> but<00:11:56.480> again<00:11:56.880> you<00:11:57.040> know

people have thought but again you know

people have thought but again you know
unlimited<00:11:57.839> boxes<00:11:58.320> weren't<00:11:58.720> ever<00:11:58.959> going<00:11:59.200> to

unlimited boxes weren't ever going to

unlimited boxes weren't ever going to
truly<00:11:59.680> be<00:12:00.160> unlimited<00:12:01.200> um

truly be unlimited um

truly be unlimited um
they<00:12:02.160> have<00:12:02.320> their<00:12:02.480> reasons<00:12:02.880> for<00:12:03.040> making<00:12:03.360> the

they have their reasons for making the

they have their reasons for making the


maybe<00:12:05.200> if<00:12:05.680> uh<00:12:05.920> flesh<00:12:06.240> and<00:12:06.399> blood<00:12:06.880> really

maybe if uh flesh and blood really

maybe if uh flesh and blood really
starts<00:12:07.600> to<00:12:07.839> grow<00:12:08.240> and<00:12:08.480> and<00:12:08.800> and<00:12:09.200> really<00:12:09.839> pick

starts to grow and and and really pick

starts to grow and and and really pick
up<00:12:10.399> some<00:12:10.639> steam<00:12:10.959> next<00:12:11.279> year<00:12:11.920> you<00:12:12.079> know<00:12:12.240> i

up some steam next year you know i

up some steam next year you know i
wonder<00:12:12.639> if

wonder if

wonder if
we<00:12:13.680> might<00:12:13.920> see<00:12:14.160> some<00:12:14.320> reprints<00:12:14.800> of<00:12:14.959> arcane<00:12:15.360> who

we might see some reprints of arcane who

we might see some reprints of arcane who
knows<00:12:15.839> right<00:12:16.560> um

knows right um

knows right um
i<00:12:17.680> do<00:12:18.000> hope<00:12:18.480> that<00:12:18.800> it<00:12:18.959> isn't<00:12:19.279> hard<00:12:19.519> to<00:12:19.680> get

i do hope that it isn't hard to get

i do hope that it isn't hard to get
cards<00:12:20.320> and<00:12:20.480> boosters<00:12:21.120> but<00:12:21.279> you<00:12:21.360> know<00:12:21.600> things

cards and boosters but you know things

cards and boosters but you know things
don't<00:12:22.160> always

don't always

don't always
work<00:12:23.440> out<00:12:23.680> as<00:12:23.839> planned<00:12:24.240> so<00:12:24.720> you<00:12:24.880> know<00:12:25.040> to<00:12:25.279> my

work out as planned so you know to my

work out as planned so you know to my
flesh<00:12:25.760> and<00:12:25.839> blood<00:12:26.160> folks<00:12:26.959> how<00:12:27.120> are<00:12:27.279> you<00:12:27.360> guys

flesh and blood folks how are you guys

flesh and blood folks how are you guys
feeling<00:12:28.320> let<00:12:28.480> me<00:12:28.639> know<00:12:28.959> in<00:12:29.040> the<00:12:29.120> comments

feeling let me know in the comments

feeling let me know in the comments


you<00:12:32.320> know<00:12:32.639> it<00:12:32.800> is<00:12:32.959> what<00:12:33.120> it<00:12:33.279> is<00:12:33.839> um<00:12:34.399> of<00:12:34.480> course

you know it is what it is um of course

you know it is what it is um of course
if<00:12:35.279> you<00:12:35.360> haven't<00:12:35.600> already<00:12:35.839> heard<00:12:36.079> already

if you haven't already heard already

if you haven't already heard already
metazu<00:12:37.279> will<00:12:37.440> be<00:12:38.000> in<00:12:38.240> walmart's

metazu will be in walmart's

metazu will be in walmart's
starting<00:12:40.320> next<00:12:40.560> year

starting next year

starting next year
again<00:12:41.760> something<00:12:42.160> that<00:12:42.240> i<00:12:42.399> saw<00:12:42.720> earlier<00:12:43.040> today

again something that i saw earlier today

again something that i saw earlier today
already<00:12:43.600> on<00:12:43.839> instagram

already on instagram

already on instagram
um<00:12:45.680> so

um so

um so
you<00:12:46.480> know

you know

you know
this<00:12:47.760> is<00:12:47.839> something<00:12:48.160> that's<00:12:48.480> not<00:12:48.800> new<00:12:49.360> from

this is something that's not new from

this is something that's not new from
the<00:12:49.760> sense<00:12:50.000> that<00:12:50.160> we<00:12:50.399> knew<00:12:50.639> that<00:12:50.720> this<00:12:50.959> is<00:12:51.040> kind

the sense that we knew that this is kind

the sense that we knew that this is kind
of<00:12:51.279> what<00:12:51.440> they<00:12:51.600> were<00:12:51.839> wanting<00:12:52.240> to<00:12:52.560> aim<00:12:52.800> for<00:12:53.040> so

of what they were wanting to aim for so

of what they were wanting to aim for so
it's<00:12:53.360> nice<00:12:53.519> to<00:12:53.680> actually<00:12:53.920> hear<00:12:54.160> some<00:12:54.320> news<00:12:54.560> on

it's nice to actually hear some news on

it's nice to actually hear some news on
it<00:12:55.360> um<00:12:55.680> i<00:12:55.839> hope<00:12:56.000> this<00:12:56.320> means<00:12:56.720> that<00:12:57.040> cards<00:12:57.440> will

it um i hope this means that cards will

it um i hope this means that cards will
actually<00:12:58.240> get<00:12:58.480> into<00:12:58.720> the<00:12:58.880> hands<00:12:59.200> of

actually get into the hands of

actually get into the hands of
collectors<00:13:00.160> and<00:13:00.320> players<00:13:01.279> so<00:13:01.680> we'll<00:13:02.000> see<00:13:02.720> how

collectors and players so we'll see how

collectors and players so we'll see how
this<00:13:03.360> all<00:13:03.600> kind<00:13:03.760> of<00:13:03.920> shakes<00:13:04.320> out<00:13:05.040> i<00:13:05.120> don't<00:13:05.360> know

this all kind of shakes out i don't know

this all kind of shakes out i don't know
what<00:13:06.079> sets<00:13:06.480> will<00:13:06.720> end<00:13:06.959> up<00:13:07.200> at<00:13:07.360> walmart

what sets will end up at walmart

what sets will end up at walmart
that<00:13:08.720> i<00:13:08.800> don't<00:13:09.040> know

that i don't know

that i don't know
and<00:13:10.639> i<00:13:10.720> don't<00:13:10.880> know<00:13:11.040> if<00:13:11.120> it's<00:13:11.279> going<00:13:11.360> to<00:13:11.440> be

and i don't know if it's going to be

and i don't know if it's going to be
boosters<00:13:12.240> or<00:13:12.399> certain<00:13:12.959> product<00:13:13.360> types

boosters or certain product types

boosters or certain product types
certain<00:13:14.160> smaller<00:13:14.639> products<00:13:15.040> versus<00:13:15.440> actual

certain smaller products versus actual

certain smaller products versus actual
booster<00:13:16.079> boxes<00:13:16.560> i'm<00:13:16.720> not<00:13:16.880> too<00:13:17.120> sure<00:13:17.279> i<00:13:17.440> don't

booster boxes i'm not too sure i don't

booster boxes i'm not too sure i don't
know<00:13:17.680> the<00:13:17.760> details<00:13:18.240> on<00:13:18.320> that<00:13:19.040> but<00:13:19.519> you<00:13:19.680> know<00:13:19.839> if

know the details on that but you know if

know the details on that but you know if
i<00:13:20.160> do<00:13:20.399> happen<00:13:20.639> to<00:13:20.800> see<00:13:21.040> them<00:13:21.279> at<00:13:21.440> walmart<00:13:21.839> when

i do happen to see them at walmart when

i do happen to see them at walmart when
they<00:13:22.320> come<00:13:22.639> out<00:13:23.040> i<00:13:23.120> think<00:13:23.360> i'll<00:13:23.519> definitely

they come out i think i'll definitely

they come out i think i'll definitely
buy<00:13:24.240> some<00:13:24.800> some<00:13:25.040> boxes<00:13:25.519> or<00:13:25.600> whatever<00:13:25.920> they

buy some some boxes or whatever they

buy some some boxes or whatever they
have<00:13:26.320> because<00:13:26.639> what<00:13:26.800> i've<00:13:26.880> been<00:13:26.959> wanting<00:13:27.279> to

have because what i've been wanting to

have because what i've been wanting to
do<00:13:27.600> is<00:13:27.920> experience<00:13:28.480> the<00:13:28.639> cards

do is experience the cards

do is experience the cards
um<00:13:30.000> then<00:13:30.240> from<00:13:30.480> the<00:13:30.560> newer<00:13:30.959> sets<00:13:31.600> just<00:13:32.160> in

um then from the newer sets just in

um then from the newer sets just in
person<00:13:33.279> um<00:13:33.600> i<00:13:33.680> want<00:13:33.839> to<00:13:33.920> see<00:13:34.079> how<00:13:34.160> they<00:13:34.320> are<00:13:34.399> i

person um i want to see how they are i

person um i want to see how they are i
want<00:13:34.560> to<00:13:34.639> see<00:13:34.800> how<00:13:34.880> they<00:13:35.120> feel<00:13:35.360> i<00:13:35.440> want<00:13:35.519> to<00:13:35.600> see

want to see how they feel i want to see

want to see how they feel i want to see
what<00:13:35.920> they<00:13:36.079> look<00:13:36.320> like

what they look like

what they look like
in<00:13:37.440> person<00:13:38.000> you<00:13:38.079> know<00:13:38.320> it's<00:13:38.480> always<00:13:38.720> different

in person you know it's always different

in person you know it's always different
when<00:13:39.199> you<00:13:39.279> see<00:13:39.440> the<00:13:39.600> cards<00:13:40.000> in<00:13:40.160> person<00:13:41.040> and

when you see the cards in person and

when you see the cards in person and
i've<00:13:42.480> not<00:13:43.279> really<00:13:43.680> been<00:13:44.000> wanting<00:13:44.480> to<00:13:44.720> pay<00:13:45.279> some

i've not really been wanting to pay some

i've not really been wanting to pay some
of<00:13:45.519> the<00:13:45.760> secondary<00:13:46.320> market<00:13:46.639> pricing<00:13:47.120> for<00:13:47.360> for

of the secondary market pricing for for

of the secondary market pricing for for
example<00:13:48.000> nightfall<00:13:48.560> so

example nightfall so

example nightfall so
i<00:13:50.000> mean<00:13:50.160> i'm<00:13:50.320> not<00:13:50.480> in<00:13:50.639> a<00:13:50.720> super<00:13:51.040> rush<00:13:51.839> to<00:13:52.079> get

i mean i'm not in a super rush to get

i mean i'm not in a super rush to get
metazou<00:13:52.800> to<00:13:52.959> begin<00:13:53.199> with<00:13:53.440> so<00:13:53.600> i<00:13:53.680> don't<00:13:53.839> mind

metazou to begin with so i don't mind

metazou to begin with so i don't mind


just<00:13:55.199> to<00:13:55.360> see<00:13:55.519> if<00:13:55.680> i<00:13:55.760> can<00:13:56.000> snag<00:13:56.320> anything<00:13:56.639> in

just to see if i can snag anything in

just to see if i can snag anything in
walmart<00:13:57.279> so

walmart so

walmart so
we'll<00:13:58.480> see<00:13:58.639> how<00:13:58.800> it<00:13:58.959> goes<00:13:59.519> like<00:13:59.760> i<00:13:59.839> said<00:14:00.480> i<00:14:00.639> hope

we'll see how it goes like i said i hope

we'll see how it goes like i said i hope
collectors<00:14:01.839> and<00:14:02.160> players<00:14:02.720> will<00:14:02.880> be<00:14:03.040> happy<00:14:03.360> to

collectors and players will be happy to

collectors and players will be happy to
see<00:14:03.760> this

see this

see this


you<00:14:05.600> know<00:14:05.839> that<00:14:06.000> sounds<00:14:06.240> like<00:14:06.399> good<00:14:06.560> news<00:14:06.800> to

you know that sounds like good news to

you know that sounds like good news to
me<00:14:07.600> but<00:14:07.920> you<00:14:08.079> know<00:14:08.399> stay<00:14:08.639> tuned<00:14:09.040> we'll<00:14:09.279> see

me but you know stay tuned we'll see

me but you know stay tuned we'll see
we'll<00:14:09.839> see<00:14:10.000> how<00:14:10.160> things<00:14:10.480> actually<00:14:10.800> shake<00:14:11.040> out

we'll see how things actually shake out

we'll see how things actually shake out


um<00:14:12.720> other<00:14:12.959> than<00:14:13.120> that<00:14:13.360> the<00:14:13.680> final<00:14:14.240> final<00:14:14.800> final

um other than that the final final final

um other than that the final final final
final<00:14:15.600> piece<00:14:15.839> of<00:14:16.000> news<00:14:16.320> that<00:14:16.480> i<00:14:16.560> had<00:14:16.800> here<00:14:17.040> that

final piece of news that i had here that

final piece of news that i had here that
i<00:14:17.360> thought<00:14:17.600> was<00:14:18.000> really<00:14:18.639> interesting<00:14:19.040> and<00:14:19.199> i

i thought was really interesting and i

i thought was really interesting and i
definitely<00:14:19.839> wanted<00:14:20.079> to<00:14:20.160> bring<00:14:20.399> it<00:14:20.480> up

definitely wanted to bring it up

definitely wanted to bring it up
um<00:14:22.079> was<00:14:22.880> the<00:14:23.120> news<00:14:23.680> about<00:14:24.160> magic<00:14:24.480> the

um was the news about magic the

um was the news about magic the
gathering<00:14:24.959> getting<00:14:25.279> serialized<00:14:26.000> cards<00:14:26.320> i

gathering getting serialized cards i

gathering getting serialized cards i
mean<00:14:26.959> holy<00:14:27.440> [ __ ]<00:14:28.079> you<00:14:28.240> know<00:14:28.399> as<00:14:28.560> someone<00:14:28.880> who

mean holy [ __ ] you know as someone who

mean holy [ __ ] you know as someone who
collects<00:14:29.680> a<00:14:30.000> whole<00:14:30.320> bunch<00:14:30.560> of<00:14:30.880> random<00:14:31.360> tcgs

collects a whole bunch of random tcgs

collects a whole bunch of random tcgs
i<00:14:33.680> can<00:14:33.920> say<00:14:34.639> you<00:14:34.800> know<00:14:35.279> finally<00:14:35.920> god<00:14:36.320> like

i can say you know finally god like

i can say you know finally god like
what<00:14:37.440> tcg<00:14:37.920> do<00:14:38.079> you<00:14:38.160> know<00:14:38.399> has<00:14:38.720> numbered<00:14:39.199> cards

what tcg do you know has numbered cards

what tcg do you know has numbered cards
holy<00:14:40.079> crap<00:14:40.639> i<00:14:40.800> mean<00:14:41.199> how<00:14:41.440> cool<00:14:41.600> will<00:14:41.839> this<00:14:42.000> be<00:14:42.399> i

holy crap i mean how cool will this be i

holy crap i mean how cool will this be i
think<00:14:42.720> it's<00:14:42.959> really<00:14:43.199> interesting<00:14:44.000> because<00:14:44.320> at

think it's really interesting because at

think it's really interesting because at
this<00:14:44.720> point<00:14:44.959> we'll<00:14:45.360> we'll<00:14:45.760> really<00:14:46.240> have<00:14:46.720> truly

this point we'll we'll really have truly

this point we'll we'll really have truly
truly<00:14:48.399> rare<00:14:48.639> cards<00:14:48.959> i<00:14:49.040> mean<00:14:49.440> you<00:14:49.519> know<00:14:50.160> i<00:14:50.320> know

truly rare cards i mean you know i know

truly rare cards i mean you know i know
with<00:14:50.880> you<00:14:51.040> know<00:14:51.279> pokemon<00:14:52.160> and

with you know pokemon and

with you know pokemon and
you<00:14:53.199> know<00:14:53.440> fortnite<00:14:54.000> and<00:14:54.160> you<00:14:54.240> know<00:14:54.480> other

you know fortnite and you know other

you know fortnite and you know other
other<00:14:55.519> cards<00:14:56.000> there's<00:14:56.399> pull<00:14:56.720> rates<00:14:57.120> and<00:14:57.519> you

other cards there's pull rates and you

other cards there's pull rates and you
know<00:14:57.760> there<00:14:58.000> are<00:14:58.160> cards<00:14:58.560> that<00:14:58.720> are<00:14:58.800> rare<00:14:59.120> and

know there are cards that are rare and

know there are cards that are rare and
hard<00:14:59.600> to<00:14:59.760> pull<00:15:00.160> and<00:15:00.320> you<00:15:00.480> know<00:15:00.639> you<00:15:01.040> try<00:15:01.199> to

hard to pull and you know you try to

hard to pull and you know you try to
calculate<00:15:01.920> out<00:15:02.079> okay<00:15:02.720> if<00:15:02.959> i<00:15:03.199> have<00:15:03.440> this<00:15:03.600> many

calculate out okay if i have this many

calculate out okay if i have this many
etbs<00:15:04.480> if<00:15:04.639> i<00:15:04.720> open<00:15:04.959> up<00:15:05.040> this<00:15:05.279> many<00:15:05.600> you<00:15:05.760> know<00:15:05.839> i

etbs if i open up this many you know i

etbs if i open up this many you know i
can<00:15:06.079> pull<00:15:06.399> out<00:15:06.560> the<00:15:06.720> card<00:15:07.120> and<00:15:07.279> stuff<00:15:07.680> i<00:15:07.839> mean

can pull out the card and stuff i mean

can pull out the card and stuff i mean
you<00:15:08.160> know<00:15:08.320> that's<00:15:08.480> all<00:15:08.639> fine<00:15:08.880> and<00:15:08.959> dandy<00:15:09.360> and

you know that's all fine and dandy and

you know that's all fine and dandy and
whatnot<00:15:09.839> but

whatnot but

whatnot but
you<00:15:10.959> know<00:15:11.040> when<00:15:11.279> we're<00:15:11.440> talking<00:15:11.680> about<00:15:12.079> one<00:15:12.320> of

you know when we're talking about one of

you know when we're talking about one of
200<00:15:13.440> 150<00:15:14.399> one<00:15:14.639> of<00:15:15.120> 25<00:15:15.760> one-of-ones<00:15:16.480> i<00:15:16.560> mean

200 150 one of 25 one-of-ones i mean

200 150 one of 25 one-of-ones i mean
gosh<00:15:17.120> talk<00:15:17.360> about<00:15:17.519> the<00:15:17.600> rarity<00:15:18.000> on<00:15:18.160> that<00:15:18.399> you

gosh talk about the rarity on that you

gosh talk about the rarity on that you




i<00:15:21.040> haven't<00:15:21.760> really<00:15:22.399> bought

i haven't really bought

i haven't really bought
boxes<00:15:24.160> to<00:15:24.399> break<00:15:24.880> in<00:15:25.040> chase<00:15:25.440> cards<00:15:25.920> since

boxes to break in chase cards since

boxes to break in chase cards since
um<00:15:27.279> core<00:15:27.600> 19<00:15:28.320> other<00:15:28.560> than<00:15:29.040> like<00:15:29.279> strix<00:15:29.600> haven

um core 19 other than like strix haven

um core 19 other than like strix haven
and<00:15:30.240> innistrad<00:15:31.199> um<00:15:31.759> so<00:15:32.000> this<00:15:32.240> is<00:15:32.320> really

and innistrad um so this is really

and innistrad um so this is really
exciting<00:15:32.880> to<00:15:33.040> me<00:15:33.279> because

exciting to me because

exciting to me because
i<00:15:34.560> absolutely<00:15:35.199> want<00:15:36.079> to<00:15:36.320> chase<00:15:36.639> number<00:15:36.959> cards

i absolutely want to chase number cards

i absolutely want to chase number cards
um<00:15:38.480> you<00:15:38.639> know<00:15:38.800> of<00:15:38.880> course<00:15:39.120> i<00:15:39.279> don't<00:15:39.440> have<00:15:39.600> that

um you know of course i don't have that

um you know of course i don't have that
much<00:15:40.000> information<00:15:40.639> as<00:15:40.800> far<00:15:41.040> as<00:15:41.440> when<00:15:41.680> can<00:15:41.839> we

much information as far as when can we

much information as far as when can we
expect<00:15:42.320> to<00:15:42.480> see<00:15:42.639> these<00:15:42.880> number<00:15:43.199> cards<00:15:43.600> which

expect to see these number cards which

expect to see these number cards which
products<00:15:44.480> will<00:15:44.880> we<00:15:45.040> be<00:15:45.199> able<00:15:45.360> to<00:15:45.519> pull<00:15:45.680> them<00:15:45.920> in

products will we be able to pull them in

products will we be able to pull them in
are<00:15:46.240> they<00:15:46.399> going<00:15:46.480> to<00:15:46.560> be<00:15:46.720> collector<00:15:47.040> boxes<00:15:47.440> are

are they going to be collector boxes are

are they going to be collector boxes are
going<00:15:47.600> to<00:15:47.680> be<00:15:47.839> secret<00:15:48.240> layer<00:15:48.800> are<00:15:48.880> they<00:15:49.040> going

going to be secret layer are they going

going to be secret layer are they going
to<00:15:49.199> be<00:15:49.440> just<00:15:50.000> random<00:15:50.399> boosters<00:15:50.880> you<00:15:51.040> know<00:15:51.199> i

to be just random boosters you know i

to be just random boosters you know i
don't<00:15:51.440> know

don't know

don't know
i<00:15:52.880> i<00:15:53.040> don't<00:15:53.120> know<00:15:53.440> any<00:15:53.680> details<00:15:54.079> on<00:15:54.240> that<00:15:54.880> um

i i don't know any details on that um

i i don't know any details on that um
you<00:15:55.680> know<00:15:55.839> we<00:15:56.000> also<00:15:56.240> don't<00:15:56.399> know<00:15:56.639> what<00:15:56.880> sets<00:15:57.120> we

you know we also don't know what sets we

you know we also don't know what sets we
can<00:15:57.519> expect<00:15:57.759> to<00:15:57.920> see<00:15:58.079> them<00:15:58.800> um<00:15:59.120> i<00:15:59.199> wouldn't<00:15:59.440> be

can expect to see them um i wouldn't be

can expect to see them um i wouldn't be
surprised<00:16:00.480> if<00:16:01.040> they<00:16:01.279> start<00:16:01.600> to<00:16:01.759> come<00:16:02.000> out<00:16:02.399> in

surprised if they start to come out in

surprised if they start to come out in
the<00:16:02.800> sets<00:16:03.040> that<00:16:03.199> are<00:16:03.360> scheduled<00:16:04.320> to<00:16:04.480> come<00:16:04.720> out

the sets that are scheduled to come out

the sets that are scheduled to come out
uh<00:16:05.680> um<00:16:06.160> in<00:16:06.880> 2022

uh um in 2022

uh um in 2022
i'm<00:16:08.720> actually<00:16:09.040> going<00:16:09.120> to<00:16:09.199> do<00:16:09.360> a<00:16:09.440> video<00:16:09.759> on<00:16:09.839> that

i'm actually going to do a video on that

i'm actually going to do a video on that
because<00:16:10.320> there's<00:16:10.480> a<00:16:10.560> whole<00:16:10.800> bunch<00:16:11.040> of<00:16:11.199> cool

because there's a whole bunch of cool

because there's a whole bunch of cool
sets<00:16:11.759> that<00:16:11.920> i'm<00:16:12.240> really<00:16:12.720> really<00:16:12.959> excited

sets that i'm really really excited

sets that i'm really really excited
about<00:16:14.000> that<00:16:14.160> will<00:16:14.320> be<00:16:14.480> coming<00:16:14.880> out

about that will be coming out

about that will be coming out


so<00:16:17.360> i'll<00:16:17.519> be<00:16:17.680> doing<00:16:17.920> another<00:16:18.240> video<00:16:18.480> on<00:16:18.639> that

so i'll be doing another video on that

so i'll be doing another video on that
um<00:16:19.519> you<00:16:19.680> know<00:16:19.839> the<00:16:20.000> design<00:16:20.720> paths<00:16:21.120> that

um you know the design paths that

um you know the design paths that
they're<00:16:21.360> taking<00:16:21.680> with<00:16:21.920> those<00:16:22.160> cards<00:16:22.880> the

they're taking with those cards the

they're taking with those cards the
planes<00:16:23.440> that<00:16:23.519> they'll<00:16:23.680> be<00:16:23.839> taking<00:16:24.160> us<00:16:24.320> to

planes that they'll be taking us to

planes that they'll be taking us to
super<00:16:25.120> interesting<00:16:25.519> stuff<00:16:25.839> i'm<00:16:26.000> very<00:16:26.240> excited

super interesting stuff i'm very excited

super interesting stuff i'm very excited
to<00:16:26.720> see<00:16:26.959> that<00:16:27.440> i<00:16:27.680> hope<00:16:27.920> we<00:16:28.079> do<00:16:28.320> see<00:16:28.480> the<00:16:28.639> number

to see that i hope we do see the number

to see that i hope we do see the number
cards<00:16:29.680> in<00:16:29.839> those<00:16:30.079> sets<00:16:30.399> but<00:16:30.560> anyways<00:16:30.959> you<00:16:31.120> know

cards in those sets but anyways you know

cards in those sets but anyways you know
i'll<00:16:31.600> i'll<00:16:32.000> save<00:16:32.320> all<00:16:32.480> of<00:16:32.639> that<00:16:32.880> for<00:16:33.040> another

i'll i'll save all of that for another

i'll i'll save all of that for another
video<00:16:33.839> but<00:16:34.399> you<00:16:34.560> know

video but you know

video but you know
anyways<00:16:36.160> numbered<00:16:36.560> cards<00:16:37.279> yes<00:16:37.600> to<00:16:37.759> that

anyways numbered cards yes to that

anyways numbered cards yes to that
new<00:16:39.120> sets<00:16:39.680> yes<00:16:40.000> to<00:16:40.160> that<00:16:40.880> all<00:16:41.120> to<00:16:41.279> it<00:16:41.600> i'm

new sets yes to that all to it i'm

new sets yes to that all to it i'm
really<00:16:42.000> excited<00:16:43.040> um<00:16:43.920> so<00:16:44.240> anyways

really excited um so anyways

really excited um so anyways
that's<00:16:45.600> all<00:16:45.759> i<00:16:45.920> have<00:16:46.079> for<00:16:46.240> you<00:16:46.480> today<00:16:47.120> i<00:16:47.279> know

that's all i have for you today i know

that's all i have for you today i know
it's<00:16:47.680> a<00:16:47.839> whole<00:16:48.079> bunch<00:16:48.399> of<00:16:48.639> sort<00:16:48.959> of<00:16:49.120> random

it's a whole bunch of sort of random

it's a whole bunch of sort of random
news<00:16:50.000> but<00:16:50.560> you<00:16:50.639> know<00:16:50.880> it<00:16:50.959> was<00:16:51.199> really<00:16:51.519> poppin

news but you know it was really poppin

news but you know it was really poppin
there's<00:16:52.720> just<00:16:52.880> a<00:16:52.959> lot<00:16:53.199> going<00:16:53.519> on<00:16:53.839> i'm<00:16:54.000> so

there's just a lot going on i'm so

there's just a lot going on i'm so
excited<00:16:54.639> for<00:16:54.880> it<00:16:55.440> uh<00:16:55.839> obviously<00:16:56.399> i'm<00:16:56.720> going<00:16:56.959> to

excited for it uh obviously i'm going to

excited for it uh obviously i'm going to
be<00:16:57.519> spending<00:16:58.000> more<00:16:58.160> money<00:16:58.480> next<00:16:58.720> year<00:16:59.199> so

be spending more money next year so

be spending more money next year so
there's<00:17:00.399> that<00:17:00.720> but

there's that but

there's that but
anyways<00:17:02.480> thank<00:17:02.720> you<00:17:02.880> so<00:17:03.040> much<00:17:03.199> guys<00:17:03.519> i

anyways thank you so much guys i

anyways thank you so much guys i
appreciate<00:17:04.240> it<00:17:04.319> if<00:17:04.480> you<00:17:04.559> made<00:17:04.799> it<00:17:04.880> this<00:17:05.120> far<00:17:05.760> uh

appreciate it if you made it this far uh

appreciate it if you made it this far uh
take<00:17:06.240> it<00:17:06.319> easy<00:17:06.559> have<00:17:06.720> a<00:17:06.799> good<00:17:06.959> night

2021 Geeked Out Collecting